Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Get sick easily?

You found yourself susceptible to ill or disease? Are you easily get influenza or have been hospitalized yearly because of some disease? I used to be in that condition when i was in junior high school. That time , I have been hospitalized yearly for two or three years because of dengue fever. My family and I felt that I was very susceptible to disease at that time. For me and my family it was a rough time because, beside I have to suffer from the illness, the cost for medical treatment to cure my disease is very expensive. But after I enter senior high school my health condition is getting better and better. That is because I realized that those bad health condition of me could worry my family and myself and i struggle to keep my health in good condition. If you had the same condition like me in the past, I have some experiences and advices to share to you.

First, to keep you healthy and away from disease, you have to manage your diet well. By eat regularly and eat hygiene and nutritious food, it is enough to get away your body  from illness. I know it is hard to have your meal regularly because of certain reason like your full activity so you don't have time to have some meal. Me myself still can't keep my meal regularly , but maybe if you provide yourself with some snacks in your bag, you can minimize this matter. This is very important to keep you healthy because food is the supply of your nutrition to and nutrition can improve your immune well. Besides from food you can add nutrition from other supply like food supplement or vitamin like i always consume everyday up to now and don't forget to consume enough water every day. Second is to have enough sleep. Sleep is important because sleep keeps you fresh every day to do your activity. If you not have enough sleep your body will easily to get tired and that is the time the disease could attack your body. The average time of sleep is about 8 hours a day. Avoid to stay up late! it was and effective way to have enough sleep and your will be away from sickness.

The third one is having a regular sports to keep your body fit. When i was in junior high school, i didn't do exercise regularly and that made my body weak. In senior high school, i join a club that like to have outdoor activity like hiking, climbing, rafting and many else. In my country it's called 'pecinta alam'. Because of the harsh environment in the outdoor, i have to strengthen my body by doing some sports like running, push up , sit up and many else. Because of joining that club i came to have sports habit. It makes my body stronger and could fight back the disease that attacks me. You don't have to join 'pecinta alam' to become more healthy but have a sports habit is very important to keep your health condition good. Three times a week, that's enough to keep your body healthy.

That was the last advice from me. I think those all was a general treatment to prevent your body from ill. I hope my writing will be help you to have a healthy body so you couldn't infected by disease easily. Last words from me, to prevent your body from disease is way lot cheaper than to cure your body from disease. That's all from me, Thank you for reading . sfbe

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

evaluating our character educational

Because the latest series of student brawls has causing two deaths, it is now becoming the top issue of the teenager in indonesia. Believed to have a long history of brawling, students from two senior high school in south jakarta fought each other after school hours on monday has claimed two lives tragically. Some people have argued that the incident was an assault not a student brawl, but this case might caused by the student brawl. While violent teenage behavior occurs everywhere, school brawls are more common in Indonesia. A student brawl is a form of collective social behavior of adolescent aberration and aggressive behavior resulting from group conformity. Usually a conflict flares up between two schools, and on the battlefield, students are actually wearing their school uniforms. This student brawls has harshly reminded us to reevaluate our system of chararacter education. Moreover, the more devastating is that the number of cases is increasing. Therefore, we should revisit and evaluate the current system of character education.

Character education is not simply a formal lesson that occurs at a cognitive level, but rather, it should go beyond understanding and arrive at reflecting upon what is right and doing the right thing. The only thing to fulfill that requirement is to practicing the good attitudes not anly memorizing it. Character education should not be only teachers responsbility. There should be a harmonious sinergy among families, schools, communities, and the goverment. Parents, teachers, communities and the government should be models, motivators and supporters for young generations by modeling good character, motivating youth to do a good things and supporting them to do the right thing. Character building is a long-term project that requires patience and perseverance. To make a good character building we have to aside our egos and be more sensitive to the teenagers feelings. I think that is the best idea to prevent and stop the student brawls. Lets start to make a better character education by ourself first.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

the correlation between wii sales and kid's fatness(?)

are there a correlation between wii sales and kid's fatness? of course there is. kids these days are obsessed to playing games instead of playing outside or have a workout or anything else that burn calories more than just sitting on the couch and playing games. these sedentary lifestyle usually called couch potato.  these habits could lead the kids to become fat and gain obesity, because they only spend their times on the couch playing games and pile up calories in their bodies. according to the author of the article i just read, wii once believed could solve the problem couch potato problem as wii players suffer more exercise than only just their thumbs. however, based on the study that published in journal pediatrics, kids that given active games from wii burned no more calories than those who played the more passive one, that is caused by some reason. the author also write that wii sales in the second quarter have been reduce massively. but that is because the current version is getting old. nintendo hopes to get back on track with the new version of wii, wii u game pad. but no matter how it work, still can't prying kids from their couches. beside that, the author add another case from a famous book titled "when things bite back". the books present a fascinating collection of technologies that had unintended consequences, even some that undo precisely what those technologies were meant to foster.

what i said about this problems is all the kids that have a console games or any else games that don't require a big exercise could have this couch potato lifestyle but it's all according the way of the kids in deal with the games that they own. if the kids know how to arrange time so they didn't spend all day and night sitting on the couch, they could be spared from this bad habit. parents should concern to this problem and have to do something to prevent their kids to become fat kids. parents these day think that if they give their children console games they could make them happy and they don't have to interact frequently with their children so they could occupy themself to their business. these thoughts were wrong, the children could be happy in a short time but the effect of couch potato habits like obesity and laziness are pathetic. parents should give some of their spare time to their kids like urge them to play basketball in the garden or bring them to travel or go outside the home. i believed that if parents do these things, their children will be happy and the relationship between parents and child will improved. of course parents could give their children a console game to make them happy but they also have to give the children a little discipline so the children won't play games all of their time. i think that's all my response to an article titled "wii sales may recover, but kids will still be fat". Thank you for reading my writing and don't forget to give feedback on the comment box. sfbe

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Hello universe , this is my first post in my first new blog. My name is Siraragi Banta or you can call me agi , i'm student of Civil and Environment Engineering Faculty ITB. The reason I created this blog because my Academic Writing Lecturer told to make a blog and make a writing in it. Actually I don't like to writing in English, but because I entered academic writing class so i have to write in English frequently to fulfill my lecturer's assignment for me. I like to play guitar so much , that's the cause i chosen agionguitar for my blog address. For the future, i will write here monthly to fulfill my assignments . I hope my writing will be good and useful for anyone that read it. I think this is the end of my first post in my blog. Thank you for reading, sorry for bad english.