Tuesday, October 23, 2012

evaluating our character educational

Because the latest series of student brawls has causing two deaths, it is now becoming the top issue of the teenager in indonesia. Believed to have a long history of brawling, students from two senior high school in south jakarta fought each other after school hours on monday has claimed two lives tragically. Some people have argued that the incident was an assault not a student brawl, but this case might caused by the student brawl. While violent teenage behavior occurs everywhere, school brawls are more common in Indonesia. A student brawl is a form of collective social behavior of adolescent aberration and aggressive behavior resulting from group conformity. Usually a conflict flares up between two schools, and on the battlefield, students are actually wearing their school uniforms. This student brawls has harshly reminded us to reevaluate our system of chararacter education. Moreover, the more devastating is that the number of cases is increasing. Therefore, we should revisit and evaluate the current system of character education.

Character education is not simply a formal lesson that occurs at a cognitive level, but rather, it should go beyond understanding and arrive at reflecting upon what is right and doing the right thing. The only thing to fulfill that requirement is to practicing the good attitudes not anly memorizing it. Character education should not be only teachers responsbility. There should be a harmonious sinergy among families, schools, communities, and the goverment. Parents, teachers, communities and the government should be models, motivators and supporters for young generations by modeling good character, motivating youth to do a good things and supporting them to do the right thing. Character building is a long-term project that requires patience and perseverance. To make a good character building we have to aside our egos and be more sensitive to the teenagers feelings. I think that is the best idea to prevent and stop the student brawls. Lets start to make a better character education by ourself first.

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