Sunday, October 7, 2012

the correlation between wii sales and kid's fatness(?)

are there a correlation between wii sales and kid's fatness? of course there is. kids these days are obsessed to playing games instead of playing outside or have a workout or anything else that burn calories more than just sitting on the couch and playing games. these sedentary lifestyle usually called couch potato.  these habits could lead the kids to become fat and gain obesity, because they only spend their times on the couch playing games and pile up calories in their bodies. according to the author of the article i just read, wii once believed could solve the problem couch potato problem as wii players suffer more exercise than only just their thumbs. however, based on the study that published in journal pediatrics, kids that given active games from wii burned no more calories than those who played the more passive one, that is caused by some reason. the author also write that wii sales in the second quarter have been reduce massively. but that is because the current version is getting old. nintendo hopes to get back on track with the new version of wii, wii u game pad. but no matter how it work, still can't prying kids from their couches. beside that, the author add another case from a famous book titled "when things bite back". the books present a fascinating collection of technologies that had unintended consequences, even some that undo precisely what those technologies were meant to foster.

what i said about this problems is all the kids that have a console games or any else games that don't require a big exercise could have this couch potato lifestyle but it's all according the way of the kids in deal with the games that they own. if the kids know how to arrange time so they didn't spend all day and night sitting on the couch, they could be spared from this bad habit. parents should concern to this problem and have to do something to prevent their kids to become fat kids. parents these day think that if they give their children console games they could make them happy and they don't have to interact frequently with their children so they could occupy themself to their business. these thoughts were wrong, the children could be happy in a short time but the effect of couch potato habits like obesity and laziness are pathetic. parents should give some of their spare time to their kids like urge them to play basketball in the garden or bring them to travel or go outside the home. i believed that if parents do these things, their children will be happy and the relationship between parents and child will improved. of course parents could give their children a console game to make them happy but they also have to give the children a little discipline so the children won't play games all of their time. i think that's all my response to an article titled "wii sales may recover, but kids will still be fat". Thank you for reading my writing and don't forget to give feedback on the comment box. sfbe


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Agi, I think you should state the reason why kids who play active games burned no more calories than those who play the more passive one. However, I agree with you. Parents hold an important role to prevent their kids to become couch potatoes who are addicted to Wii games. They should educate their kids that video games, whether it is Wii games or not, are just an entertainment and are not a physical exercise. Besides that, they must influence and habituate their kids to go out and exercise with them. So that their kids eventually put exercise in their habit, not put playing Wii games (or other games) in their habit. Thus, kids would not become obese and have better relationship with their parents.

  3. It’s true that console game can make the children have what we called ‘couch potato lifestyle’, but it’s different in wii games. In wii games, we have activities like sports and other activities that make your body move, unlike console game that can only move your hand while playing it. I agree that parents should take their children to do an outdoor activity, but what if they’re too busy to go on a trip or do an outdoor activity? If we talked about building the relationship between parents and their children, we can also use the wii games to connect them by playing it together in their spare time.

  4. Hi Agi, my apologies for writing the late comment but I have points of view here.
    First, responding Marcel’s comment about calories burned by active games versus passive ones, I think it’s basically because of two things. Number one, it is a rare condition that the kids really do it on a high level of intensity continuously day by day AND still do extra activity on the other time. If that happens, of course there should be more calories that burned, but still it requires habit not only the consoles. Wait now, why is it rare? It leads us to the second reason; after all it is a video game. Even if we refuse to talk about boredom, we still cannot ignore the fact that playing one video game leads to another, and by the time it reaches ten hours of World of Warcraft, yes winning the tennis games tournament on wii still won’t help us much.
    Oh and I once played wii too, it didn’t last long.
    Second thing is; I personally do not agree with this video game habits, even though it’s called active games, active sport games and all of its kind. Again it’s video games. Kids suppose to have fun, running and playing outside, meeting new friends, exploring new places, practiced their first basketball game with their parents, fall and having bandages… The list is long, bottom line is it’s important and it’s real. Well, now, these might be the reasons contrary to the preceding sentences. Adapting to these modern era, parents are busier, criminal rates are high and it might not be safe playing on the streets... But oh come on, there are Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays too. Don’t let your children or even yourself losing health. Say to yourself, the weather could be nice today, go out and let’s have some fun.
